by superadmin | Autoimmune, Blog
In his book, The Winning Attitude, John C. Maxwell, noted author and speaker tells us that attitude is: The “advance man” of our true selves Has inward roots but outward fruits Is our best friend or worst enemy Is more honest and more consistent than our words Is an...
by superadmin | Autoimmune, Blog
Somewhere on your road to success, you’ll probably begin to understand that you are really never alone. There are amazing sources of strength and help everywhere you look—you just have to use them. You’ll have to look to find them and then know how to use them, but it...
by superadmin | Autoimmune, Blog
One thing that stands in the way of success is the inability to believe in ourselves. We’ve touched on this in the attitude sections, but there’s more to it than just having a positive attitude. You must believe in yourself. “So how do I do THAT?” You might be asking...
by Robin Meek | Autoimmune, Blog
A number of foods have been found to benefit the immune system in a range of ways. One group of foods is thought to reduce inflammation in the body, leading to less wear and tear on all your bodily systems, including your immune system. Adding anti-inflammatory foods...
by Robin Meek | Autoimmune, Blog
By now, almost everyone has heard of probiotics, the active cultures in a range of dairy products such as yogurt, some cheeses and kefir, and in fermented foods such as miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut. Most of these are tasty additions to our diet that can also help...
by Robin Meek | Autoimmune, Blog
There are a lot of theories on how to boost the immune system to ward off diseases, particularly in reference to cold and flu season, when people are most concerned with avoiding illness when everyone around them seems to be sick. But is there any truth in these...